Parent & Citizen Association P&C
President's Message
P&C welcomes all members of our school community to attend our meetings and make contributions. Each year, the P&C sees some new faces join its ranks and is grateful for the time these parents take and the new ideas they bring to the group. We all struggle with the limited time we have available due to the hectic lives lead by us all. We look forward to seeing lots of Year 7 parents this year and parents from other years as well. All your contribution's helps to make our school community stronger.
The P&C provides a number of services for parents, including:
- "Chat Time" Newsletter
- Email List
- Information Sessions - both at meetings and weekends courses
In past election years, P&C has used state and local elections to promote the good name and hospitality of GRC Penshurst Girls Campus. At times, we have had to get behind the school in a political forum to push for government funding. This has included letter writing and meeting with local members to highlight the need for support, most recently the funding for a Covered Outdoor Leaning Area in the playground. We are committed to supporting the school to achieve the best possible outcomes for the students.
There is a part to play for everyone at the P&C. We need to hear from parents regarding ideas, issues, suggestions, compliments or concerns.
I am proud of the support I have from the P&C Executives and Members and look forward to meeting you or hearing from you sometime in the future.
Lyndall Smith
P&C President
The P&C meets on a Tuesday twice a term during school terms. Meetings commence at 6:00pm and conclude generally at 7:30pm. These meetings are held in the Staff Common Room and are open to all parents, carers, students and community members to attend.
Meetings are chaired by the P&C President. Minutes are recorded and distributed by the P&C Secretary. Correspondence is tabled by the P&C Secretary. The school Principal is an automatic member of the P&C and reports on school-related matters to the group at each meeting.
General Meeting Agenda.
- Guest Speaker (if scheduled)
- Apologies.
- Acceptance of minutes from previous meeting.
- Business arising from minutes.
- President's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- Secretary's Report
- Principal's Report
- Requests for Funding
- General Business
- Meeting Close
Mission Statement
The Georges River College Penshurst Girls Campus Parent and Citizen Association is a non-profit organisation based on the protocols and procedures outlined by the Parents and Citizens Association of NSW. The P&C relies on funding from the voluntary school enhancement contribution by parents as well as public grants available to volunteer groups. All decisions made by the P&C are discussed at formal meetings and voted upon, as per P&C Association guidelines. Funding of initiatives is primarily targeted towards enhancing the education of the girls at Penshurst Campus. This may take the form of purchasing resources, equipment, sponsorship of extra-curricular activities and implementation of school programs.
The P&C executive is elected at the Annual General Meeting held in February of each year. The current 2017 executive is comprised of the following members;
President:Ms Lyndall SMith
Secretary: Ms Caroline Knox
Treasurer: Kay Roberts
The P&C strives to empower parents and carers with information and knowledge to better support their daughter's education at GRC Penshurst Girls Campus. It aims to promote a cohesive and engaged local community. The core business of the P&C and priority at all times is to support programs within the school which intend to enhance student engagement, learning and outcomes.
Chat Time Newsletters
The P&C distributes a newsletter to parents called "Chat Time" via the school newsletter. Chat Time has information relating to current events in the school. Additional information relating to current trends, upcoming events in the community and Internet links to resources is also provided to parents.
Federation e-Bulletin
The Parents and Citizens Association of NSW release a newsletter to parents on a monthly basis. These newsletters have information relating to parenting a child in a NSW School.
The "e-Bulletin" is available at
Other news from the NSW P&C Association can be found at